It’s the perfect time of year for me to sit down at the keyboard and share with you all the fun things AR Design got to tackle this year, and what we look forward to next.
If you asked anyone in the office, I think that the agreed upon highlight of the year was having craft beer that we designed the packaging for show up on the shelves of Publix grocery stores (the largest grocery chain in Florida). As a designer, having something you made become so accessible is overwhelmingly gratifying. Plus, we got to sit back and enjoy it with a beer!
In 2018, we took on more social media management than we ever have. And I am proud to share that we have a developed a really great strategy for using it to help businesses expand their reach and tell their story (rather than just sharing cat gifs). It will be a difference maker for so many. The modern age of marketing has shifted so profoundly in the past few years, and we have welcomed that change, putting into place a framework to provide the leadership our clients need to make the most of it. Bye-bye SEO and digital magic tricks, long live quality content!
Within the span of a mere 365 days, AR Design defined and designed new brands, launched excitingly clean and modern websites, helped lead a CreativeMornings chapter in Palm Beach, partnered with more craft beer companies than we could have imagined, and hosted another successful Create Day, and this is just scratching the surface.
Perhaps what I am most proud of is the team that we built. We are all so uniquely skilled and adept at learning that there is nothing we have not been able to accomplish. We may be small, but we are mighty.
Our Pledge for 2019
- Bring a new vision and hope to our clients, helping them see opportunities and ways to grow that they would not have.
- Help business owners remember why they first started their business, and allow them to re-focus on their internal growth rather than external marketing pressures.
- Treat our clients like family, embracing what makes them unique (here’s looking at you Uncle Dave), learning to manage their needs, and making them smile when they see us.
- Prove the difference we make by having us on their team. We ultimately know that our value hinges on their success.
We wish everyone a most joyous holiday and a happy new year. Kisses and hugs from the team at AR Design.