The branding for Mathews Brewing Co. was inspired by the owners beloved pup and love for hard-rock. The fusion of these two ideas brought us their iconic dog & crossbones illustration that not only supported this rock & roll brewery, but opened up a door to a number of sub-brand styles that support it.
Mathews Brewery lives on a side-street in an up-and-coming arts district in Lake Worth surrounded by a myriad of car-repair shops, artist warehouses and small businesses. But for anyone who drives down this road or sees their tap handles at a bar, their unmistakable brand is always loudly calling out.
Breweries, like anyone proudly looking to get their product out to the masses, must hit the streets. Mathews Brewing is a mainstay in the local beer festivals, plays host to a number of large events per year and offers merch for their groupies to wear in their hood.
Embracing the artistic nature of the brewery, each label we designed had its own unique concept, tied to the name of the beer and core rock and roll aesthetics of the brewery. From album covers of the 80’s to t-shirts of the 60’s, we dug deep into the music archives to create these crowler labels.
This brewery, for many, serves as a home base. It’s where they go to see live music, play trivia, and hang out with friends.
With a strong social media outreach and supporting print materials to define their vision and love of the craft, we have helped grow this brewery from their opening day.